Healthy Lifestyle Baking. With a touch of class.

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Healthy AND Delicious? Are you sure?

Right from the start, Fancy Yancey Bakery does its best to get the most quality ingredients into all of its treats. Staying away from artificial sugars and bleached products is not only the best way to bake healthy and delicious treats. It’s also Fancy


Jessica Yancey

Jessica Yancey started baking from a young age, where her aunt gave lessons in the kitchen on all things sweet. As she got older, Jessica realized that a lot of the sweet things she loved were made with enormous amounts of artificial sugars, dyes and preservatives.

After years of dieting away from her favorite treats, she wanted to have something sweet, without guilt of ruining all of her hard work. After researching and testing various recipes she grew up with, she began making all of her new sweets with healthier alternatives!

Soon, all of Jessica’s friends and family wanted her to bring her sweets to their parties and celebrations, where she was complimented for their taste, and surprised by the lack of sugar!

Now wanting to share her treats with St. Augustine FL, Jessica hopes you get a chance to try her delicious treats… with just a touch of class.